Saturday, September 17, 2016 / by Teresa DiPeso
Annual Irish Fall Festival
Thurs-Sunday, Sep. 22-25, vendors 8am-7pm daily along Olde New Jersey Ave
This is the largest Irish Festival on the East Coast, with dancing, food, music, and craft vendors. Live music will be playing on multiple stages, along with a food court and beer garden from noon-8pm on Friday and Saturday. Bus service is available throughout the weekend at the Anglesea Fire Hall (call 609-884-5230). Other festivities include a golf tournament, concert, Irish dance lessons, 5k run and 1 mile walk, pipe exhibition and Catholic Mass. The events conclude with a parade on Surf Ave from 20th to Spruce and Olde New Jersey Ave. For more info call 800-IRISH--91 or 609-729-0075. Or visit this link for a detailed schedule of events.

This is the largest Irish Festival on the East Coast, with dancing, food, music, and craft vendors. Live music will be playing on multiple stages, along with a food court and beer garden from noon-8pm on Friday and Saturday. Bus service is available throughout the weekend at the Anglesea Fire Hall (call 609-884-5230). Other festivities include a golf tournament, concert, Irish dance lessons, 5k run and 1 mile walk, pipe exhibition and Catholic Mass. The events conclude with a parade on Surf Ave from 20th to Spruce and Olde New Jersey Ave. For more info call 800-IRISH--91 or 609-729-0075. Or visit this link for a detailed schedule of events.