Tuesday, November 2, 2021 / by Teresa DiPeso
Cape May In 10 Best East Coast Beach Towns From Conde Nast
Conde Nast named The 10 Best Beach Towns On The East Coast recently, and it's no surprise Cape May is on the list. Here's what they had to say!
Cape May, New Jersey
The site of pink triple-decker Victorian homes and a lively, festive promenade which exists as a beach town ideal in America's collective imagination, Cape May is the sort of dreamy summer destination one associates with trails of melted ice cream dotting the hot pavement and Fourth of July picnics.
National Geographic also labeled Cape May as a World's Best Destination for Birding, writing, “the narrow peninsula at Cape May acts as a bird funnel, bringing in songbirds during their spring and fall migrations.
At dawn on a good day, legendary Higbee Beach offers front-row seats to a feathered fashion show… With a little luck, you can see 20 species of warblers, each in its own colorful costume.” Sign us up.