Thursday, April 2, 2020 / by Teresa DiPeso
How To Sell a Jersey Shore Home Safely During Covid-19
As you can imagine, there are a few home sellers are considering taking their house off the market until the COVID-19 virus has passed or is at least under control.
For some people that’s totally fine to do. If they have no absolute need to sell a house and can wait it out until they feel more comfortable, they should just wait it out.
It’s just not that cut and dry for a lot of sellers, though. Life can’t be put on hold entirely — especially since we don’t really know how long “waiting it out” will be. So for a lot of sellers, the question has become how should we proceed?
I’m still selling houses…just differently. Here’s what I’ve been doing so my clients and I can lower the risk of exposure, and do our part to “flatten the curve” as they say…
Of course, if you want to hold off, by all means do so! There will be buyers whenever this all settles down.
However, if you’re in a position where you need to sell your home for whatever reason, this is actually a good time to do so. You’ll likely find less seller competition, and the buyers who are looking are obviously serious and need to buy a house. We just need to take more precautions than usual to keep us all safe and healthy while continuing to live as normally as possible.
Either way, hang in there! This too shall pass!