Friday, March 24, 2023 / by Teresa DiPeso
Ocean City in 50 Best Beach Towns in U.S. List
Ocean City is getting some new national recognition this week on, which compiled search and review data from WalletHub and Trip Advisor to rank "America's 50 Best Beach Towns".
Search Ocean City and Shore Listings Here
Here's what they had to say:
Every beach town has its share of pluses and minuses, which got us thinking about what makes a beach town the best one to live in. To find out, Stacker consulted data from WalletHub, released June 17, 2020, that compares U.S. beach towns. Ratings are based on six categories: affordability, weather, safety, economy, education and health, and quality of life. The cities ranged in population from 10,000 to 150,000, but they had to have at least one local beach listed on TripAdvisor. Read the full methodology here. From those rankings, we selected the top 50.
#47. Ocean City, New Jersey
- Total score: 52.2
- Affordability rank: #113
- Weather rank: #112
- Safety rank: #20
- Economy rank: #71
- Education & health rank: #106
- Quality of life rank: #24
Ocean City offers its residents many opportunities to stay entertained, active, and involved in the community. The town boasts myriad local organizations from an arts center to sailing group, miles of bike paths, a bustling board walk, and year-round calendar of events.